“Road Trip!” Workshop: a Review

I recently had the opportunity to attend a wonderful sketching workshop: Road Trip! Travel Sketching for Designers. It is offered by Richard Scott who also teaches in the Department of Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona.

Pasadena Dress Shop

I am not a designer (far from it: I’m a computer geek) but did get an architecture degree in a past life so I figured that qualified me. It turned out not to be necessary though; Richard assures me that all are welcome and there were folks at all levels in the class.

Some drawing instructors emphasize correct proportions and others looseness of line, but Richard integrates both which really clicked for me. He is also super organized and well prepared which I really appreciate, being left-brained at heart. He included a spiral bound handout covering the highlights of the class and beyond. Many of the concepts are ones I’d heard before (ex: proportions, color missing, and my personal bugaboo: value), but somehow it really sunk in this time though and my sketches have definitely benefited.

Pasadena Office Building
Pasadena Baby Gap!

Richard advocates doing quick sketches about the size of one’s hand, especially while learning. Since I do all my sketches in small format sketchbooks, I was happy to hear this! We worked first in ink, then moved on to ink with watercolor. A third of the workshop time was spent in classroom instruction and the rest was out of doors. We worked in Pasadena’s historic downtown and also spent a full day at the Huntington Library Botanical Gardens, which are amazing. The on-site work was intense, tiring, and wonderful. By the end of the weekend I was thoroughly beat and equally satisfied.

Related Post: Road Trip: a Sketching Workshop

6 Responses to ““Road Trip!” Workshop: a Review”

  1. Window Shopping : Sketching and Sketchbooks Says:

    […] are great to draw: interesting and colorful, and they hold still too . I did some others on my recent Pasadena trip and also the one below in Italy, in 2001. Shop window, Santa Margerita, Italy […]

  2. Trumpetvine Travels » Blog Archive » Road Trip: a Sketching Workshop Says:

    […] Here are more sketches and a full report. […]

  3. KnittingPainterWoman Says:

    I found your sketch blog from a Flicker group about Pasadena– It seems as though you might be in Northern California. If you thought the Huntington was great, be sure to get to Filoli SW of San Jose… Bigger, looser and amazing. Hope to see more of your sketches here or via EDM.

  4. laserone Says:

    I just love architecture; drawings, photos. I wanted to be an architect but didn’t think I could handle the math. I love your drawings. I like using small sketchbooks, too.

  5. jeanette Says:


    No wonder I love your style so much — I am an architect! Like you, I love my work, but feel driven to create something outside, too. By the way, you will know me better as Mistress of Longears on Flickr.
    I’m going to look into short duration classes in my area (would love to come to San Francisco, but that’s not in the cards).


  6. Toni Says:

    I love a good workshop. You always come away refreshed, inspired, and creative.
    This workshops sounds like it was well worth the price. Wish I was on the west coast. I enjoy your sketches and reading through your blog from time to time.

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